Complete Guide to Affiliate Software for Small Business

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Complete Guide to Affiliate Software for Small Business

Why Small Businesses Should Use Affiliate Software

Are you a small business looking to expand your reach and boost sales? 

If so, you might want to consider affiliate marketing. By partnering with affiliates, you can tap into their networks and reach a wider audience without incurring significant marketing costs. 

But setting up and managing an affiliate program can be daunting, especially if you don’t have technical expertise. That’s where affiliate software comes in. 

In this blog, we’ll explore affiliate software for small business and how it can help SMBs like yours launch and manage successful affiliate programs. From fraud prevention to customization options, we’ll cover the key features and benefits of affiliate software, and provide tips for choosing the right one for your business. Whether you’re new to affiliate marketing or looking to take your program to the next level, this blog has got you covered. So, let’s dive in!

What is Affiliate Software?

Affiliate marketing programs are a powerful tool that helps businesses to streamline and optimize their affiliate marketing programs. This type of software automates many of the time-consuming tasks associated with managing an affiliate program, allowing businesses to focus on other areas of their operations.

One of the key features of affiliate tracking software is its ability to track and manage affiliate referrals. This means that the software can keep track of all the clicks and sales generated by each affiliate, as well as any commissions that are owed to them. This allows businesses to accurately calculate payouts and ensure that affiliates are compensated fairly for their efforts.

In addition to tracking referrals and managing payouts, affiliate software also makes it easy for businesses to provide their affiliates with marketing materials. This can include everything from banner ads and text links to product descriptions and email templates. 

By providing affiliates with these resources, businesses can help them to promote their products and services more effectively, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue.

what is affiliate marketing

Common Affiliate Software Features

Managing an affiliate marketing platform can be complex and time-consuming, which is why many businesses turn to affiliate software to help them streamline and optimize the process. 

In addition to tracking referrals and managing payouts, affiliate software offers a range of features that can help businesses to monitor performance, provide resources to affiliates, and prevent fraud. Among some of the most common features of affiliate software include:

Affiliate Tracking

Refers to the process of monitoring and recording the activities of affiliates. This can include tracking:

  • The number of clicks on affiliate links
  • The number of conversions (i.e., when a visitor takes a desired action, like purchasing)
  • The total sales generated by each affiliate

By tracking these metrics, businesses can determine which affiliates are driving the most traffic and sales and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

Commission Management

Commission management is the process of paying commissions to affiliates for their marketing efforts. This typically involves setting up a commission structure (i.e., a percentage of the sale) and tracking each affiliate’s sales to determine their earnings. 

Commission management software can automate this process, making it easier for businesses to manage payouts and keep track of affiliate earnings.


Reporting is a key feature of affiliate software that allows businesses to generate reports on key metrics such as affiliate performance, revenue, and clicks. This information can help businesses make data-driven decisions about their affiliate marketing strategies.

Marketing Tools and Materials

Marketing materials refer to the promotional materials provided to affiliates, such as banners, links, and social media posts. These materials are designed to help affiliates promote the business and its products or services effectively.


Refers to the ability of affiliate software to integrate with various e-commerce platforms and other software applications. This can make it easier for businesses to manage their affiliate programs and track affiliate performance across different platforms.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

In this program, affiliates are not only paid commissions for their own referrals but also for the referrals of their sub-affiliates. Essentially, each affiliate can build its own team of sub-affiliates and earn commissions on the sales generated by their entire team. 

This can be a powerful way for businesses to expand their reach and incentivize affiliates to recruit more people into the program. MLM programs can be found in various industries, including health and wellness, beauty, and financial services.

Cookie tracking

This feature that allows businesses to track the activities of website visitors who were referred to their website by an affiliate. When a visitor clicks on an affiliate link to a business’s website, a cookie is placed on their device. 

This cookie tracks their activity on the website and allows the business to accurately attribute any sales or commissions to the correct affiliate, even if the sale occurs at a later time or on a different device. 

By tracking cookies, businesses can ensure that they are rewarding their affiliates accurately and fairly for their contributions to generating sales.

Performance-Based Incentives

Another way businesses reward their affiliates for meeting certain performance targets includes using performance-based. These targets could include things like reaching a certain number of referrals, generating a certain amount of revenue, or maintaining a certain level of customer satisfaction. 

A successful affiliate who meets these targets can be offered bonuses or higher commission rates as a way to incentivize them to continue performing at a high level. By tying rewards to performance, businesses can motivate their affiliates to work harder and more effectively, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for the business.

Fraud Detection

This is a crucial feature for businesses that operate affiliate programs. 

It helps them detect and prevent fraudulent activities that could otherwise result in inaccurate commission payments. Fraudulent activities may include fake clicks or referrals generated by bots, malware, or human actors attempting to exploit the system. 

Fraud detection tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that indicate fraudulent behavior. This enables businesses to quickly identify and block any fraudulent activity and avoid financial losses.

Built-in Affiliate Management System

Another important feature for businesses that work with multiple affiliate networks or platforms. 

It allows businesses to manage their affiliate relationships with different networks or platforms in one place, making it easier to track performance and manage payouts across different networks. 

This feature provides businesses with a centralized platform to monitor their affiliate programs, view real-time data on sales and commissions, and manage payments to affiliates.


This is a key feature offered by many affiliate software solutions

It allows businesses to customize their affiliate program to their specific needs and branding. Customization options can include customizing the user interface, commission structures, software tools, customer support, and marketing materials. 

For example, businesses can tailor their affiliate program to match their brand’s look and feel or create custom commission structures based on specific products or services. 

Customization options help businesses create a unique and effective affiliate program that aligns with their overall marketing strategy and goals.

how affiliating marketing works

Affiliate Software Pricing Models

When it comes to choosing an affiliate software provider, B2B and B2C brands have a range of pricing models to choose from. The right pricing model will depend on the needs and budget of the business, as well as the features and support provided by the software provider. Among the most common affiliate software commission structures include: 

  • Commission-Based – With this pricing model, the affiliate software provider takes a percentage of the commissions paid to affiliates for their marketing efforts. This pricing model can be attractive to businesses that don’t want to pay for the software upfront and prefer to only pay when they generate revenue through their affiliate program.
  • Revenue Share – With this pricing model, the affiliate software provider takes a percentage of the revenue generated through the affiliate program. This can be in addition to or instead of a commission-based pricing model.
  • Pay-Per-Use – Some affiliate software providers may charge businesses based on their usage of the software, such as the number of clicks or referrals tracked, or the number of affiliates managed.
  • One-Time Purchase – With this pricing model, businesses pay a one-time fee to purchase and use the affiliate software indefinitely. This pricing model is less common in the affiliate software market, but it can be a good option for businesses that prefer a one-time payment rather than ongoing subscription fees.
  • Monthly Subscription – This is one of the most common pricing models for affiliate software. With a monthly subscription, businesses pay a recurring fee to access the software and its features. This model can be beneficial for businesses that want to spread the cost of the software over time and have the flexibility to cancel their subscription if needed.
  • Tiered Pricing – Some affiliate software providers offer tiered pricing based on the size of the business or the number of affiliates managed. This means that businesses with larger affiliate programs may pay more for access to additional features or support.
  • Custom Pricing – Depending on the needs of the business, some affiliate software providers may offer custom pricing plans that are tailored to their specific requirements. This may include a combination of different pricing models or features that are not included in standard plans.

The Pros & Cons of Using Affiliate Software for Small Business

By partnering with affiliates, businesses can leverage their networks and reach a wider audience without incurring significant marketing costs. However, setting up and managing an affiliate program can be time-consuming and require technical expertise. Therefore, it’s important to know the advantages and disadvantages of using affiliate software as an SMB. These include:


  • Scalability – Affiliate marketing can be easily scaled up or down, depending on the needs of the business. As the business grows, it can recruit more affiliates and expand its reach, without incurring significant marketing costs.
  • Cost-Effective – Affiliate software can be a cost-effective way for small businesses to expand their reach and promote their products or services. Instead of investing in an expensive marketing campaign, businesses can rely on affiliates to promote their products and only pay commissions when a sale is made.
  • Performance-Based – Affiliate marketing is a performance-based model, which means that businesses only pay commissions when a sale is made. This can help businesses avoid wasting money on ineffective marketing campaigns.
  • Increased Brand Awareness – Affiliate marketing can help small businesses increase their brand awareness by reaching a wider audience. Affiliates can promote the business’s products or services to their own followers or customers, who may not have been aware of the business otherwise.

While the advantages certainly outweigh the disadvantages, here are some drawbacks to know:

  • Initial Setup – Setting up an affiliate program can be time-consuming and require technical expertise. Small businesses may need to invest time and resources to set up their program and ensure that it is running smoothly.
  • Management – Managing an affiliate program can also be time-consuming, particularly as the program grows. Small businesses may need to dedicate staff or resources to manage the program and communicate with affiliates.
  • Risk of Fraud – Affiliate marketing can be vulnerable to fraudulent activities, such as fake referrals or clicks. Small businesses may need to invest in fraud detection software or monitor their program closely to avoid financial losses.

6 Factors to Weigh For Affiliate Software for Small Business

Small businesses considering affiliate software should weigh several factors to determine if it’s the right fit for their marketing strategy. Here are some of the key factors to consider:

  1. Budget – Small businesses should evaluate their budget and determine how much they can afford to spend on an affiliate marketing software tool. While affiliate marketing can be cost-effective, there may be initial setup and ongoing management costs that need to be taken into account.
  2. Marketing Goals – Small businesses should consider their marketing goals and how an affiliate program can help them achieve those goals. For example, if the goal is to increase brand awareness, an affiliate program can help reach a wider audience.
  3. Target Audience – Small businesses should evaluate their target audience and determine whether an affiliate program is an effective way to reach them. If the target audience is not active on social media or other platforms where affiliates promote products, an affiliate program may not be the best fit.
  4. Competition – Small businesses should evaluate the competition in their industry and determine whether an affiliate program can help them stand out. If there are already established affiliate programs in the industry, it may be challenging to attract and retain high-performing affiliates.
  5. Technical Expertise – Small businesses should evaluate their technical expertise and determine whether they have the resources to set up and manage an affiliate program. If not, they may need to invest in external resources or consider using affiliate software that offers support and guidance.
  6. Fraud Prevention – Small businesses should consider the risk of fraud and evaluate the fraud prevention measures offered by affiliate software. Fraudulent activities, such as fake referrals or clicks, can result in financial losses, so it’s essential to have adequate fraud prevention measures in place.

By weighing these factors, small businesses can determine whether an affiliate program is a right fit for their marketing strategy and go on to choose the right affiliate software to support their program.

For more relevant information, visit our following related blogs:

    • How to Be an Affiliate Marketer Selling Other People’s Products
    • What is Traffic Management and Why Is It Important in Marketing?
    • Affiliate Software for Small Business – Everything You Should Know

Get the Best Affiliate Software for Small Business with Getlinked

Affiliate marketing can be a game-changer for small businesses looking to expand their reach and boost sales. And with the right affiliate software, launching and managing a successful program can be easier than you think. 

By weighing the factors we’ve discussed, you can choose an affiliate software that fits your budget, goals, and technical expertise. And if you’re looking for a reliable and user-friendly affiliate software provider, look no further than Getlinked. 

With our easy-to-use platform, advanced tracking features, and customizable options, Getlinked is the go-to affiliate software for small businesses. So why wait? Sign up for Getlinked today and start harnessing the power of affiliate marketing to take your business to the next level!

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